Friday, December 2, 2011

When someone proves to be a good baseball player, why are they automatically accused of using steroids?

I've seen multiple questions accusing Alex Rodriguez, Albert Pujols and a few other great baseball players of using steroids.

Can someone please tell me why no one can accept that men like A-Rod and Pujols are just talented?|||Only by casual fans and others that have no idea of what they are talking about. Some people enjoy coming up with "off the wall" ideas, with no basis of fact, and somehow coming to believe it is true. Since they are not happy keeping their own flawed ideas to themselves they will come and contaminate a forum such as this. And the real sad thing is, many people will believe it as fact without ever doing any other research on their own..|||Ken Griffey Jr wasnt blamed for steriods and he even played in the "steriod era"|||Exactly, it's just ridiculous. Can't any baseball player be good WITHOUT using performance enhancing drugs?

I can't wait for Robert D to come on here and start talking about A-Rod, or "A-Roid" as he calls him.

EDIT: Jdesiel, it's not the media. It's the idiots on here that like to run their mouths.|||Because the media likes to make stories to talk about.|||Because the other teams fans starts to get jealous (not all of them) and they starting accusing players for no reason|||It is because there are so many that have been linked so people are very skeptical of anyone that is having success. The thing that people over look is that more guys that have not had success have been linked than people that have had success. People want to overlook the fact that expansion has watered down the pitching in todays game, they would rather focus on the idea that they all are on the juice. If people want to see the numbers come down then they need to support a real strike zone, the inside pitch, banning armor at the plate (which allows guys to "take one for the team" a little too easy) and make the hitters hit pitches that are not in the prime spot to drive the ball but also in the zone. The rules right now are tailored to put up huge numbers and the hitters have all the advantage at this point so their numbers will be up. You are right, Pujols, A-Rod, Ryan Howard, Chase Utley, Beltran are all guys that are just that gifted with talent...they do not fit the build of a roider.|||Because it's been proven that a large amount of players have used steroids in the last ten years, so that just makes everyone untrusting no matter what the players might say. Everyone suffering for alot of people's mistakes, I guess.|||Hang around with gang members, and some will assume you are in a gang. Just human nature. Nowadays you need to prove you are innocent.|||Because that's the culture we've created, first by denying any problem existed whatsoever and then by going totally in the other direction and believing that anyone who succeeds at all in baseball can only succeed because they're juiced.

For the record, I doubt very much that ARod is now or has ever been on anything. His physique doesn't match the profile at all. He's just a spectacularly gifted athlete who's worked hard. I hope he breaks all the records so that we can put to rest, once and for all, the notion that we need asterisks or some other bull to define who was juiced and who wasn't.|||Because to some of these people it's now the in thing to make conspiracy theories on everyone who's a good player now. They act as if they are there or they are injecting the needle themselves.|||I know it sucks doesn't it.

I really can't tell you why, maybe some people are just like that I guess. I can't explain some people, maybe they're just on drugs.|||I think its only ignorant people that feel that way. People that know and love the sport dont accuse everyone that is good of using steroids.|||Oh, it's just crazy. To cast aspirations on players just because they are good is downright ludacris. I have and never will I suspect the two that you named. I realize that the "Witch Hunt Mitchell Report" named what was it 87 players. First off, it really bugs me that congress has involved itself with tax player money for this. Certainly, we are big fans Greta, two of the biggest, but there are many out there who care less. Congress should be called to task on that with a gazillion dollar deficit already, why waste more taxpayer money? Secondly, getting back to Congress, where in the wide wide world of sports does the US Government feel it needs to get involved with something that has well nothing to do with government? ( I know I am going off on a tangent from your question, but indirectly, if this report hadn't have come out, everyone and their uncle wouldn.t be suspected) getting back to what I was saying, where, and please of someone out there can point me in the right direction if I am wrong, does the US Constitution anywhere state it it needs to involve itself in such matters?

I always thought the Congress of the U.S. federal government concerned itself this:

to levy and collect taxes in order to pay debts,

provide for common defense and general welfare of the U.S.; to borrow money on the credit of the U.S.;

to regulate commerce with other nations and between the states;

to establish a uniform rule of naturalization;

to coin money and regulate its value;

provide for punishment for counterfeiting;

establish post offices and roads,

promote progress of science,

create courts inferior to the Supreme Court,

define and punish piracies and felonies, declare war,

raise and support armies,

provide and maintain a navy,

make rules for the regulation of land and naval forces, provide for, arm, and discipline the militia,

exercise exclusive legislation in Washington D.C, and

make laws necessary and proper to execute the powers of Congress.

Where then does baseball fit into this? Next thing you know the Congress s going to concern themselves with the affairs of Brittany Spears.... it is just nuts!!!!!!|||Greta i agree but Sadly were in the "Steroid Era" every player if there good sadly will be accused why cant people accept that there is players who are talented|||the only people asking those questions are simply morons who dont like the yankees or the cardinals or are just trying to be jerks, obviously neither arod or pujols took steroids, if youre going to accuse someon of that, there has to be a real reason to believe it, like their head gets huge all of a sudden, or they put up pathetic numbers in minnesota and suddenly swell when they go to boston|||That is a very good question, for odd reason, if a baseball player that comes around and proves to be a very good baseball player, then somebody thinks that they have taken steriods. But what prove do they have they took steriods? What ever happened to the old saying that you are innocent until your are proven guilty. I don't know what happened to it, but it seems like that it is going, and that people just automaccly accuse somebody of something, whether or not that they have proof to back it up. And when and why this all started to happen, that is another good question, and maybe a very good answer to discover at a later date. But for now let's try to find out why this must be the case, why do people have to think that very good ballplayers are the ones that take steriods. And maybe there can be a very good lesson to be learned from this.|||they cant handle the fact that players actually can have talent. they just think that there all fakers. and its pathetic.

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