Friday, December 2, 2011

Do any baseball fans keep a strikeout meter visible during the game?

I've seen football games where people have a sac-o-meter. Do baseball fans keep a strikeout meter and adjust it with every strike out for the home team?! I'm considering doing this for a Professional fast pitch softball team's home games!|||Sometimes fans will make giant signs and hang them over the edge of a railing. They have a "K" of them showing how mnay strikeouts the pitcher has gotten (that is the home field pitcher's strikeouts).|||Yes, teams do this. AT%26amp;T Park does it and (I think) they call it the K meter (or strike out meter). They only count strikeouts for the home team. Kauffman Stadium, during Zack Grienke starts, they add a K to the end of his name after one of his strikeouts, so it looks like this ZACKKKKKK.

I'm sure other teams do this as well.

Edit: The Giants have an official one on the wall. So it's not fans holding signs up.|||Yes they do. And also if it is a strikeout looking they put down a backwards K.|||No. Im not that crazy obsessed with such irrelevant things to the point of having no life!

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