Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to clean bloodstains off a baseball bat?

How can I clean bloodstains from a baseball bat? It is embedded within the grain, to a moderate depth in the wood. Should I use some sort of bleach or alcohol? Which kind?|||Bloodstains? I know just the thing. What you want is household ammonia, this stuff fricken rocks for removing blood. Now, how do you go about obtaining some ammonia? Look for heavy-duty bathroom or kitchen cleaners, they'll have what you want.

When applying the solution, let it soak into the wood before scrubbing it off. Give it a few hours and then get down and then scrub that bat down like hell. Because even though you can't see anymore blood with your eyes, that doesn't mean there's no more blood traces left on the bat. When you're done I suggest a fresh coat of varnish and the you're good as new. Now no one will ever know how you smashed that kid's face in. ;)|||It won't clean off unless you remove the wood that has soaked the blood up. The best option is to burn it and buy another.|||Get rid of it and switch to aluminum.|||Best hurriedly burn it and buy another.|||Simply resign yourself to buying a new bat.|||build a big fire and throw in it.|||AND WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON IT K.O. lol

use sandpaper

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