Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who can we wright to to protest having baseball season start on Easter?

OK,I know there is the "separation of Church and State" but baseball is not run by the US government. Easter is the most sacred Christian holiday, and the US is a predominately Christian country. Why does baseball season have to start on this holiest of days? Who can write to to object? Can't anyone start a petition?

Who is in charge of Deciding when baseball season starts, anyway?|||The Wright brothers I guess...?|||Bud Selig - Baseball commissioner

Would it surprise you to know he is Jewish?|||I don't know about you, but opening day at AT%26amp;T Park is this Thursday. That's not even Good Friday.|||well hey---the Mariners are going to be resurrected this year so why not?|||Try writing to your town executive or someone in the town hall. Although they may not be in charge of scheduling the baseball teams, they do have a say in what goes on in their own town. And yes, anyone can write a petition, it's just a matter of who you give the petition to that counts.

Hope it helps. :)

~Seth|||Major league baseball is comprised of privately owned teams. It is not a public entity. If you are offended by something MLB has done on the whole then your best bet is to just boycott it.

You can contact the commissioner if you want. Go ahead, start a petition. I would think if you care that much about your religion you'd spend some time trying to figure out what on earth chocolate bunnies has to do with Jesus.

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