Thursday, November 24, 2011

How do I build up my arm strength 4 baseball besides pushups and lifting weights?

I am 15 and have the weakest arm on my baseball team and i need 2 build it up. Is there any effect way to get my velocity up when I throw the baseball.|||Dont lift heavy weights do low weight high reps very high reps dumb bells extend from the hips up and front from the knees up lots of wind mills with very light weight and swim as much as you can freestyle swim backstroke breaststroke butterflies|||yah, a few ways.

1.either throw a weighted ball, or cut a small slit in a tennis ball and fill it with pennies, and throw that before the game. This was a trick i used when i played legion ball and it can add 3-5 mph on your throws.

2. That and also you can do rotator cuff lifting. take a 5 or 10 lb weight(whichever isn't too heavy) and hold it with your arm just hanging to your side, then lift your arm straight up, in front of you, to the side of you and behind you.

3. play lots and lots of long toss(catch from 40-150 feet away from partner)

basically the only way to a stronger arm(or the muscles you use to throw) is by doing the same motion you use to throw a baseball, and just do a bunch of repetitions, or up the weight of the ball you are throwing|||Yes, it is called flexibility and mechanics. Now before you look away from this let me explain. I can bet good money that you are not as flexible as a gymnast so until you are you have not done your job on making yourself flexible. Now for mechanics, you have to video tape your throwing mechanics and learn where you are making errors in the throwing motion. Your body should be delivering the ball, not your arm. You can do the Jaeger Band workout routine until the cows come home, but if you do not have good throwing mechanics then nothing is going to change. Video tape and learn and improve on one thing at a time and you will see results. Take a look at how Major League ballplayers field whatever position is it you play and take the quality basics of their mechanics and apply it to how you throw the baseball. For more info on baseball mechanics and advice go to the link below under sources.

Good luck with the training!

- The Professor|||I have looked into that myself, and so far everything I've found says the same thing, when lifting you should do more "pull" than "push" exercises, for instance, if you do 3 sets on bench which is a "push" you have to make up for it by doing 9 sets of back and shoulders . Those are the main muscles that help improve velocity|||you gotta become more flexible. Im not very strong but i have one of the better arms on our team. Our teams therapist said it was because how flexible my arm was. So if you can find a way to stretch your arm out that could maybe help.

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